Post School Options

When your child is ready to transition into the adult world and you want to know ‘what’s next’.
Here are a few options:

Reconnect is a flexible support program designed for people aged between 17 – 64 who are keen to explore study and training options or kick start a career but are unsure where to start.  Participants will be assisted to identify future goals, steps to work towards them, addressing any challenges and skill gaps, whilst building resilience and confidence to chase their dreams.  Support is free of charge.

Disability Employment Services are available to assist eligible participants find and maintain employment.  The below link has information on what DES can offer, eligibility criteria, and how to find a local provider.  Support is free of charge.

Jobs Victoria Work and Learning Centres help jobseekers, especially those living in public housing, to find local training, work experience and jobs.  The Ballarat Neighbourhood Centre offers this service.  Support is free of charge.

Learn Local Providers such as Ballarat Neighbourhood Centre, Wendouree Neighbourhood Centre, and Haddon Community Learning Centre offer free or low cost learning opportunities and activities.  They are great places for building skills, confidence and community engagement.

The School Leaver Employment Supports is an early intervention approach for those in their final year of school who are looking towards the future.  It’s designed to support the transition from school to employment.  Funded through NDIS.

Volunteering can be a great way to build skills and confidence, and contribute to work experience on a resume.

Lee is a qualified Career Practitioner and a member of the Career Development Association of Australia (CDAA). She has over 13 years’ experience in working with clients to achieve their career goals and overcome hurdles to obtaining employment.

In 2015, Lee assisted Dr. Christine Kotsios, a psychiatrist with an interest in autism, in the development of the Insight Program, and is keen to help young people with autism to understand their strengths and abilities in order to find meaningful study and work opportunities.  Costs involved.

Specialisterne Australia assists businesses in recruiting and supporting people on the autism spectrum. They work with companies seeking to diversify their workforce and help to find talented autistic job seekers / candidates looking for a career in that area.  Below is a link to their tips and resources page.

How to Transition to Tertiary Education – Helpful hints for people with Autism Spectrum Disorder