This service is free however there may be a long waiting list. You will need to provide a referral letter from your Paediatrican if you want an assessment for autism.
The Autism Spectrum Disorder Assessment Program provides Autism assessments for children between the ages of 2 and 18 years. The specialised multidisciplinary team consists of a speech pathologist, social worker, occupational therapist, psychologist and psychiatrist.
The Grampians Region Autism Assessment & Diagnostic Team is a division of ICMHS. This service assesses children and adolescents, under the age of 18 years, whose parents, teachers or doctors are concerned that they may have an autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
To assist the team, parents are encouraged to bring additional information, such as school reports, assessment reports or medical letters. In some cases children will be referred to preliminary paediatric and/or psychological assessment prior to the team assessment.
PH 1300 247 647
Paediatrics Ballarat
1328 Sturt St
Phone: (03) 53271 444
Some families prefer to utilise the services of a private clinical psychologist experienced in ASD for an assessment. For adults seeking an assessment this is usually the only option.
There are private practitioners and teams who conduct assessments on a fee-paying basis.
Amaze can help you locate an autism assessment team. Contact the Amaze Autism Connect advisors on 1300 308 699, email or use the webchat on this site for more information.
Further information:
Ballarat Health Services:
Amaze (autism Victoria) information:
Raising Children Network information: